Thursday, January 10, 2013

Think Happy Bee Happy Post #1...AND I AM SO EXCITED!

This first Bright Side Blog post has been a long time comin'. Let's just say the new Think Happy Bee Happy website took a little longer than expected thanks to me making the wrong first choice of a company to create it for me. Thankfully, I eventually connected with a reputable company, and the site is just about complete and ready for full use. I am really excited about this. For years, I have been blessed with wonderful people and happenings in my life, and I have had the urge to help others experience that same happiness. It is my hope that through postings here on this blog, events I might plan and promote through my Think Happy website and the fun "Think Happy. (Bee) Happy." products I have available, I can bring a smile to lots of faces. So...this is day one of attempting to do just that. Thanks for joining me, and I hope you will stick around for the continued journey to happiness.